
Severe cases of COVID-19 among children

Severe cases of COVID-19 among children

Infectionist Timakov explained the severe cases of COVID-19 among children

Pediatrician and infectious disease specialist Yevgeny Timakov, on the RT stream "Beautiful Russia boo-boo-boo," explained why children began to get sick with coronavirus in a severe form.

“A sad thing has happened: the coronavirus has changed - it has become denser, closer and more tenaciously connected to our receptor,” he said.

According to him, "before, it took a lot of the virus to make children sick." He noted that most of the cases of the illness of children occurred within the family, in the school there were “almost no cases” of infection.

“80% of cases were in the family, within the family from the parents. So, now the virus has changed. Previously, a large viral load was needed, but now a small one, so that this small nasty dose of the virus binds to the receptor, ”Timakov said.

Earlier, the chief freelance specialist on infectious diseases in children of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the FMBA, Yuri Lobzin, said that doctors are worried about the threat of more severe consequences of coronavirus infection in children.

Also, Nikolai Kryuchkov, immunologist, doctor of medical sciences, in an interview with the FAN gave recommendations on vaccinations against influenza and coronavirus.